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~ Thursday, December 04, 2003
Random Question of the day..............
Thursday, December 4
With winter fast approaching, how do you feel about snow?
I don't mind looking at it; matter of fact it can be real pretty. I HATE; absolutely HATE driving in it. I once got hit from behind from a driver who couldn't stop because they were going too fast. I once got hit from the side from a driver (in a pickup truck) who wanted to drive faster on the ice (yes, pure ice), and just knicked my care and we both ended up in the ditch. Yeah I'm paranoid. I see way too many people taking unnecessary chances out on the roads when they're snow-covered, or worse. So, that's how I feel about snow. Oh, don't let me forget, when it snows so much that we have a snow day, yeah, I can live with that.

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