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~ Sunday, January 18, 2004
1. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: I have a good relationship with my daughter! 2. FAVORITE BOARD GAME: Currently; 'Sequence' 3. FAVORITE MAGAZINE: PC Photo 4. FAVORITE SMELL: Cinnamon 5. FAVORITE SOUND: The clock striking 3 on Friday. I also love the sound of a good flute player! 6. HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE IN YOUR FAMILY: 8 (in my immediate family) 7. WORST FEELING IN THE WORLD: losing a loved one. 8. FAVORITE COLOR: Blue or Green 9. HOW MANY RINGS BEFORE YOU ANSWER: At least 2. 10 FUTURE CHILDS NAME: If there's a child in my future, please commit me! 11. PIERCING YOU HAVE and TATTOOS: I have 5 holes in my ears total. Absolutely NO tattoos! 12. WHAT'S THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN LIFE: Health 13. FAVORITE FOOD: Tacos; which covers a wide range of different things you can put in them. 14. CHOCOLATE OR VANILLA: Chocolate! 15. DO YOU LIKE TO DRIVE FAST: No. 16. DO YOU SLEEP WITH A STUFFED ANIMAL: No. 17. STORMS-COOL OR SCARY: Cool unless there's lots of wind, thunder, and lightening; then scarey. 18. WHAT KIND OF CAR DO YOU WANT IN THE FUTURE? Maybe a blazer or something I feel safe in when driving in the winter. 19. IF YOU COULD MEET ONE PERSON IN THE WORLD, WHO WOULD IT BE: Oh my! 20. DO YOU EAT THE STEMS OF BROCCOLI: Of course! 21. IF YOU COULD HAVE ANY JOB, WHAT WOULD IT BE? Designing and selling my own cards, stationary, etc. 22. IF YOU COULD DYE YOUR HAIR ANY COLOR, WHAT WOULD IT BE? The color it is... 23. EVER BEEN IN LOVE? Not sure; I thought so at one time. 24. WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE NUMBER? 13 25. SAY ONE NICE THING TO THE PERSON THAT SENT THIS TO YOU: Bryn; you are genuine, and very creative! 26. PERSON YOU SENT THIS TO WHO IS LEAST LIKELY TO SEND IT BACK: I probably wouldn't send it to someone who I didn't think would send it back. 27. PERSON YOU SENT THIS TO WHO IS MOST LIKELY TO SEND IT BACK: Windy 28. FAVORITE PLACE IN THE USA: My home 29. FAVORITE T. V. SHOW: Survivor (when it's on) 30. DO YOU HAVE A CELL PHONE: Yes 31. WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ON A PERSON OF THE OPPOSITE SEX: How they carry themselves. 32.WHAT TURNS YOU OFF ABOUT THE OPPOSITE SEX: Machoism 33. AT WHAT AGE WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE MARRIED: Been there; done that. 34: WHAT KIND OF MUSIC DO YOU LIKE? A very wide variety; anything from 80's rock to jazz to classical to easy listening. 35: WHAT WOULD YOU HAVE WITH YOU ON A DESERT(ed) ISLAND: Another person. ~ Monday, December 08, 2003
I'm finally posting my answer to Lulu's Lines; way late! Well technically I'm not late. She said we have a whole week to post our answers....so there! Here goes; Around the corner......., and I mean RIGHT around the corner, is Christmas! This year really seemed to go by fast. Thanksgiving seemed to 'creep up' on us and now Christmas is only 17 days away. Well, I put out all my Christmas stuff and all my snowmen things. I have my tree up but my daughter and I will be decorating it tomorrow. I can't just get my holiday decorations out and not get the urge to clean the place/room from where they came, you know? SO, it turned into an all day project; well with a few breaks here and there but I'm happy I have it out and I'm happy I have a much cleaner utility room. So, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas now. I haven't even started my Christmas shopping for my daughter. I have most of my family done though. I know what I'm going to buy, it's just a matter of getting out there and doing it! I'll probably go out sometime early this week. It seems as the week progresses, the more shoppers there are! Mondays and Tuesdays are good. Plus I'm not going to a toy store anymore so I get to miss all that 'excitement!' ~ Thursday, December 04, 2003
Random Question of the day.............. Thursday, December 4 With winter fast approaching, how do you feel about snow? I don't mind looking at it; matter of fact it can be real pretty. I HATE; absolutely HATE driving in it. I once got hit from behind from a driver who couldn't stop because they were going too fast. I once got hit from the side from a driver (in a pickup truck) who wanted to drive faster on the ice (yes, pure ice), and just knicked my care and we both ended up in the ditch. Yeah I'm paranoid. I see way too many people taking unnecessary chances out on the roads when they're snow-covered, or worse. So, that's how I feel about snow. Oh, don't let me forget, when it snows so much that we have a snow day, yeah, I can live with that. ~ Friday, November 28, 2003
I think it's going to be time to 're-vamp' this site soon; and very soon!!! But for now, I'm going to answer a few memes questions. (Hey, please don't feel bad that I didn't answer sooner; I never even answered my own meme this week.) First, Lulu's Lines; My eyes were.......seeing little flashing lights yesterday after having my picture taken so many times. Of course it's really my fault since my eyes always want to blink when the flash goes off. THAT is why I always look like my eyes are half-open when you see me in a picture. Cuz they are!! My eyes have become sensitive since I've turned 'xx.' I go to the eye doctor regularly so I'm not worried about anything being wrong with them; it's just very annoying. Another thing that I've noticed since I've turned 'xx' is I'm much more sensitive to certain scents. WHY oh WHY do women think that the more perfume they put on, the better they smell???? I cannot take it anymore. I just want to grab them and say, "Hey, tone down on the perfume lady. And just a word of advice; DON'T spray perfume on you until you can smell it good! If you can smell your own perfume, WE can smell it even better (or worse!) Ok, this has taken a turn I hadn't expected. How about you??? Now on to a bit of Random Questions; Monday, November 24: Today's questions is compliments of the Bug. How many AOL tin boxes have you received and what do you do with them? If you keep them, do you tend to keep many types of containers? If you don't keep them, do you tend to throw away containers that could be used for something? I receive them quite regularly in my mailbox. I throw them away!! I tend to NOT save anything that I don't have room for and that is not useful to me. I have learned to keep only those things that I really like and/or have a use because I live in a small place. When you're limited on space, you learn to use it very efficiently. Tuesday, November 25: Do you belong to any groups? If so, what kinds? Are you typically a "joiner?" I used to belong to a faith sharing group but when Sr. Teresita left it changed. It got to be more of a job for me to go to the meetings than what I thought it was worth. It also turned into somewhat of a '_itch session' about what the women thought was wrong with our church/priest. I don't need that crap. I quit. On the internet, I've joined the Puffin Friendship Wall. It's a lot of fun. Oh and in the past day we've got three new members!! Yippee! (And I think there's two more coming! Soon!) I don't know if I'm a typical 'joiner' but if it's something that looks interesting, I will certainly check it out. Wednesday, November 26: What are you doing tomorrow? Ok, 'tomorrow' here refers to 'yesterday' now for me. I went to my parents' house and enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner with some of my family. It was a good time! ~ Sunday, November 23, 2003
A tad bit late, but here nonetheless.............Lulu's Lines......... I am thankful for.....oh so many things. I am thankful that I have my health so I can get up every morning and go to work ~ my family (all of them!) who are there when I need them and some have become my best friends as well ~ my daughter who is turning out to be a very nice, responsible, and intelligent young lady ~ my friends ~ the fact that I have been blessed with use of all my senses; I could go on and on. I have gained........so much knowledge in the past decade or so. I have gained my individuality; my sense of 'self.' I'm grateful for that. (I've also gained about 20 pounds in the past few years but we won't talk about that!) ~ Monday, November 17, 2003
It's now time for a bit of Monday Madness! 1. Have you started your Christmas shopping yet? If not, when will you be starting? Technically I started last January as I have for the past couple of years since I found this great little country store down in Pontiac that sells all their Christmassy stuff for a HUGE discount. Now don't get all bent out of shape family; I figure if I can save 75% off something, hey why not, right? And I recently purchased a few items that I just couldn't pass up at a local bazaar. 2. What are your favorite holiday goodies (baked goods, etc.)? Mmmmmm.... I love the fudge my sister makes every year at Christmas time and I love those things called (now I can't remember the name); they have chocolate chips and coconut and ...ooh, ooh, I think they're called magic cookie bars. Yum. Love those and of course the traditional sugar cookies decorated with little sprinkles. You know what else I like that I think used to come out at Christmas is those Mexican wedding cake cookies. Does anyone know how to make them???? 3. Do you decorate for Christmas? Inside, outside or both? When will you be putting your decorations up? Since I've lived in this place we do decorate the outside; prior to that, no. I always put a Christmas tree and lights up inside too. Oh and I have lots of little snowmen and Christmassy candles that I set out for the holiday season. I love decorating for this holiday. ~ Thursday, November 13, 2003
Lulu's Lines is back! I believe that........ things happen for a reason. It's not always easy to believe this, but looking back on my life, I see now that when I thought there was no hope or I was at my lowest, there was always another opportunity for me. The key is to never lose hope; never stop trying; never give up. Much easier said than done but sometimes this is all we have to hold onto; hope that things will get better. Don't get me wrong; there are still things that happen that I will never understand and I will probably never (in this lifetime anyway) believe that there was a good reason for it happening, but I'm confident that at some point in my 'time' I will see and understand why........... Now for something a bit different.................What's On ..... Right Now? What's On your bedroom dresser Right Now? ~a televsion ~a vcr ~about a dozen 'Bath & Body Works' products ~deodorant ~a clock radio That's it! And I have a small dresser! |